Your mind is your best friend

It can also be your worst enemy.

The negative thoughts you are barely aware of are causing:

  • missed opportunities for success

  • stress in relationships

  • fatigue, mental fog, weariness

Does this sound like you?

Blame game

Blaming others, blaming yourself, making a list of what went wrong. Taking things personally, assuming you have been intentionally targeted or excluded.

Mental Filtering

Focusing on the negative events or feedback and dismissing or discounting positive feedback. Filtering through an "all or nothing" or "black/white" perspective.

Jumping to Conclusions

Assuming you know what others are thinking, their intent/movtivation. Making predictions without enough evidence. Exaggerating outcomes which leads to worry. Jumping to the worst case scenario.

Anjanette was having the same problems until now...

I didn't realize how much my thinking was impacting me, my relationships and my circumstances. I highly recommend Brenda Bauer for anyone looking to deepen their self-awareness, reduce stress, and enhance personal or professional relationships through detoxing your thoughts.


Build Powerful Habits

Your coach will guide you through 6 weeks to build mental muscle through daily habits:

  • Identify negative thoughts in the moment reducing stress and toxic thinking

  • Redirect those thoughts using positive emotions & develop new neural pathways

  • Weekly coaching for experiential exploration of the new habits your developing to live in more ease and flow

Experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your wellbeing and performance.

Boost Performance. Improve Wellbeing. Strengthen Relationships.


15 minutes a day in a app in bite-sized 2 minute exercised to fit inside your busy days and customized to how you self-sabotage.

Weekly 1 hour video featuring the best content from neuro science, cognitive behavioral psychology, positive psychology, and performance science.

Stay motivated and engaged by instant feedback on your progress building the 3 core mental muscles. Brain rewiring may be visible in MRI imaging within eight weeks.

Personalized support and group accountability. Research has shown this to be a critical success factor for establishing lasting new positive habits of the mind.